Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Britney and the Mind Freak??

Ok I know this news is like so two days ago but I just have to add my 2 cents here

Sometimes at night I'll find myself eagerly watching MindFreak and Miami (or is it LA Ink now?) Ink which are on at about the same time...Criss Angel seems like a nice enough guy albeit in a somewhat dangerous profession (which makes him dangerously sexy), so if Britney ends up seriously dating him (which i doubt) i wouldnt be too troubled.

Then again: BRItney! what are u doing?!?! You're in the middle of a custody battle and your ability as a mother is being called into question... just suck it up and try NOT to be seen with a different man 5 nights in a row.. is it that hard?? oh and did i mention that he's friends with ur embittered ex???

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